Genius Hour Reflection

For the past two months we have been working on a topic of our choice for our Genius Hour Project. I chose the topic of cooking. I chose this topic because I’ve always  wanted to learn many rshrimp-scampi-day_vgcokrecipes from all around the world. During this project, I learned a lot recipes, from soft fudgy brownies to delicious shrimp scampi. To me, knowing how to cook is a skill that follows you for the rest of your life and it has help me grow as a person, in many ways because not only can I now cook, but I could put it to good use and help those less fortunate.
Cooking brings people together for any occasion whether it’s regular dinner at the table, or a Thanksgiving/Christmas feast. More food in this world, w4-3-largeould help bring those who aren’t as lucky to have a warm meal in front of them everyday. What I’m learning for our next Genius Hour is the history of dance. I think learning the history of something so famous in our society these day is really important. The history of dancing is very fascinating and most young people of our generation don’t fully acknowledge it.

4 thoughts on “Genius Hour Reflection

  1. Hey Jagga,

    I like cooking too! I wonder when I will get to it tho…
    You should also learn how to cook allergy-free because it’ll be useful!
    Good luck with cooking!
    What’s your favorite dish to eat?

  2. Hello Jagga,
    I found your post really interesting and I think it is a really good skill to be able to cook as well.
    I value how you have proof read and edited your post really well, it makes it look really professional.
    Come and check out my blog at:
    Kind Regards

    1. Thank you so much!!!!

      By the way, I loved your blog especially the post about Nelson Mandela. It was very well written and super interesting

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