Christmas Comforts

For this week’s post, I’m going to talk about the upcoming event that everyone is looking forward to. It’s my FAVORITE holiday of all time. It’s…CHRISTMAS!!!! Let me take you on memory back to Christmas 2k15

On the morning of December 24th, I wake up around 12. I smelt something delicious, I ran to it. It was my mom in the kitchen cooking a magnificent chicken. It’s skin was gold and crispy. I tried to take a piece of chicken and run back to my room but my mom always caught me. She had eyes all around the room. As the day continued, we cleaned the house and prepared the table. Finally, the clock struck 8:00 and our guest arrived. It was my sister’s friend. They knew each other since high school. Once the party had started, time flew by faster than the wind. By the time I had devoured the chicken and cleaned the table, it was already 11:00. We stayed up chatting and talking about everything and nothing. Around 1:00am, everyone had gone to sleep except my sister’s friend, my sisters and I. We kept on watching movies, until we all fell asleep.

On the morning of December 25th, I woke up in the living room, surrounded by my sisters. I woke up very slowly, until I realised we were the morning of the 25th, which meant PRESENTS!! I had waited 364 days for this. I had begged 300 days out of those 365, for the gifts that I was hopefully about to receive. I woke everyone up. Every christmas morning, I was the alarm clock of my family, everyone had to wake up at a certain hour wether they wanted it or not :). As soon as everyone was gathered around, we all took our gifts and unwrapped them at once. There was a lot of hugging and thanking. It was so amazing.

Later that day, we had brunch and everyone was elated. I may have spent 3/4 of my year begging for certain presents but I spent 364 days, praying that everyone would be gathered around all together on Christmas day, happy and healthy. And that’s exactly what happened. Christmas day is day to love and cherish your family members!!

How was your Christmas in 2k15 ??? Leave a comment and tell me all about it!


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10 thoughts on “Christmas Comforts

  1. Jagga,
    You did an amazing job on this post, and I can tell you spent your time on this post. My 2k15 Christmas was really fun and exiting. In the morning I woke to tons of gifts and a huge breakfast. In the afternoon I went to my schools winter carnival for some fun, and my family had a huge dinner. I don’t go to church because I’m Muslim, but I still celebrate Christmas and have fun and I thing you did the same thing. Good job.
    Djibril Fall
    I feel you, that chicken be good. XD

    1. Thank you!! It must have been amazing spending it with friends, it makes it all all twice as fun 🙂
      Don’t worry about the garlic bread, cooking comes with practice. I burned so many things before while I was learning how to cook 🙂

  2. Hi Jagga, my name’s Alexander! This blog is amazing! My Christmas is usually the same every year. I wake up, open presents, eat, mess with the presents I got, and then it’s kind of over. But I still think it’s fun. Anyway it’s going to be Christmas soon so merry early Christmas! Visit me at

  3. Hey Jagga,
    You’re very lucky to have had such a nice Christmas like that I haven’t had a Christmas so nice since my older brother left for college, but that’s mainly because he was the bid ball of sunshine when we were opening presents.
    – Alex O

    1. My sister left for college that year too. I understand how it feels, but don’t worry, you should enjoy every moment you get to spend with him when he comes back!!!
      Thank you for reading my post

    1. Thank you!!!! Don’t worry you can be the spirit of the family. Cheer everyone up that day and make sure they are happy, that way they will get into the Christmas mood!!

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